Saveur App Reviews

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Nice Cover Only

I am really disappointed with this issue and the layout. The cover picture was about ultimate roasts? Well, buy a pre-cooked ham and glaze it friends. Thats the sum and substance of their cover. The recipes are scrunched into three columns on a page or two. Plenty of room for ads though. This issue wasnt worth $.25

Trouble downloading issues

App looks nice, but both new and old issues download very slowly, and not in the background. Restarting partial downloads isnt very reliable.

New Version solves the download problems with previous version

Thank you for the Nov 10 update! This solves all of the download/crash problems.

Cant see the issue cover in library

I cant see the issue cover of the January issue in either the store or my library. The photography and content is fantastic.

Is anyone at all monitoring these ratings???

Free access is nothing valuable when you try to sign in but keep getting a "cant contact the server" message - and thats ONLY when signing in! Have deleted and reloaded this piece of garbage app over and over. My advice is to move on - nothing to see here (literally!).


I am sorry this app is good for nothing but trying to sell me 5 dollar digital issues of the great magazine. And i know a great magazine does not happen for free but cmon...... Allowing us to preview a few pages... Thats it? Well good luck In the new digital media age. Hey im a music professional and have a CD that I produced... Not free either... How bout we swap?

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